Retrospective 2020

December 13, 2020  •  1 Comment

2020 needs no introduction. We know its been one of the strangest, most disconcerting years thus far. I'm not going to touch on the bad parts of the year, rather, the good bits that came from a time more introverted than ever. While my inner introvert loved the isolation and time to work on my own projects, I yearned for the action of chasing down a new location and exploring places I hadn't yet been.

Now, we know that we've made sacrifices and that life has changed for a while. 
We're a little more cautious, more suspecting, a little less free and very much still wondering what's around the corner.

Of all the years that I've been capturing the landscape, this is definitely one of the most quiet. But for good reason.

Each year that I've written a retrospective, it's been a photo from each month. It's been a bit more about the travels, the people, the adventures and loving that along the way. 

This year, for me, has been about rediscovering my local spots, the ones that I shot years ago before I fully discovered the wider world. Those places that I finely tuned my craft on. The places that just feel like home, even though they aren't.

When Australia was put into lockdown at the end of March, the message was "stay at home, stay in your suburb, only go out if you have to." so naturally, living in the suburbs, I didn't have access to much. 

Gyms closed and as winter crept in, we all started sleeping in. Some epic fogs painfully came and went, travel restrictions were unclear and travelling was heavily restricted.

Around April, we were advised that we could travel up to 50km from our place of residence. There was restrictions on how many people could be in the home, and around the time of my birthday, this was only around 2 people. Needless to say it was a quiet one. More time was spent on the couch than ever before, and photography reflected whatever I could find in my garden or around the house.

The borders closing to Tasmania killed off my trip to Fagus week, our flights, accommodation and car hire all cancelled. Thankfully, I had planned for 2020 to be a year of local exploration, so I did not have to fight international flights to be refunded. This however meant that I kept working at my other job throughout the lockdown and never really had to leave the house for weeks on end except to do groceries. The introvert in me loved it. THe landscape photographer part of me hated it, I wanted to be out, creating and exploring.

Towards June/July/August those distances were revised and these opened up access to my old photography locations out West of Brisbane. I began sacrificing those sleep-ins for some much needed exploration. I gave an online presentation to the AIPP about my Landscape photography and creative journey which was a lot of fun. It was also when I produced most of the foggy landscapes that I have in my portfolio this year.

September / October / November and thus far December has been pretty quiet, save for a few storms that have come past. While I still love the storms, I haven't been chasing at all this season, rather, just capturing what I can from a few local spots. I'll continue to do this throughout summer, driving backroads and exploring all over again. Here's hoping with the rain it'll finally be moister and more potential for capturing rainforest scenes again.

In 2021? More of the same. Some domestic travel is on the whiteboard  for Tasmania in April and possibly another state in October/November next year. I won't be rushing overseas until this madness settles down, and will instead spend my money in my home country.

For now, without order or formality, here's my favourite images to come out of this year!




Camtasia Discount(non-registered)
yeah, you say right 2020 year was a bad year for everyone because covid-19 has been effect more to all of us. but, when I saw your blog and all images that you have mentioned on your blog is unbelievable. Thank for sharing your images with me.
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